Tuesday 9 December 2014

To Protect and Serve.

I do not care who you are, what you do, or how you live your own life. Murder is illegal.

Thursday 27 November 2014

The Future

If you’re brave enough to say “goodbye” life will reward you with a new “hello”.
—  Paulo Coelho (Novelist)

     I chose this quote because I feel it not only brings inspiration to life but it also has a push of determination behind it. In a sense it gives people something to look forward to in a moment of despair. this quote means to me that there will be a positive to every negative and that with time, life will work itself out. When one door closes, another opens. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. If I keep repeating this quote to myself, I will certainly determine my future with confidence. 

Sunday 16 November 2014

Remembrance day

Remembrance day is a time to be thankful for the freedom we have. I believe it really makes us realize how lucky we are to live in Canada and have the privileges that we do. Even though the youth of today never has witnessed the past treacherous wars, we are still very blessed and honoured by the actions of our country. I, personally, am 100% against war, but I cannot imagine my life if it weren't for not only the veterans around us, but also the ones who never made it back.

Monday 10 November 2014

Halloween Rant

I throughly enjoy Halloween. I am very interested in special effects makeup and horror movies are my "Forté". I think it's a great time with your family, decorating the house, carving pumpkins, and dressing up for FREE CANDY.  Halloween is my favourite day of the year, I believe it is an amazing time to express yourself and I also think that it is all for enjoyment and a good time. Not mention the market for Halloween items. Places such as "Spirit" that appear in the month of October at our local mall, make an absolute killing. No pun intended :)

Saturday 25 October 2014

What Does Poetry Mean To Me?

Unfortunately I do not like poetry. I appreciate it, and I respect it, but it is not my cup of tea. Through this assignment I have realized that poetry became for me a way to vent. I always have friends or family to talk to, but never achieved the same release, recently found through writing poetry. During self-recovery it may become useful.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Modern Education

     I find that nowadays teachers, and other staff within the school, have become more aware of the students needs, whether it be in regards to pace of homework/assignments, new teaching strategies, or respect towards the student. With these three aspects in mind, education has come a long way. To continue to stride for achievement in these areas, eventually the perfect balance will be reached. Of course everything is a two-way street, and we as the student have a duty to meet deadlines, respect our teachers, and communicate with them in order to keep our school work/lives organized. Working hard with the tools provided and understanding our peers and teachers will lead to success within our academics.

Sunday 5 October 2014

An Author and a Quote

Stephen King is the modern-day horror lord. With his books and movies being talked about all the time, it's hard not to know who he is. King was born in Portland, Maine in 1947 and was the second son of his parents, Don and Nellie. Stephen began his career of writing in his school's newspaper called The Maine Campus. Some of his popular titles are, Carrie, The Shining, IT, Christine, and Pet Seminary, to name a few. A quote said by Stephen King that I truly love is: “Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings.” This quote strikes me the most because, what Stephen is saying is that it is important to keep your readers interested. If it means killing off your main character, then do it. Your readers will hate you for it- but love you anyways.

Monday 22 September 2014

Gratitude Experiment

Dear Jacob:

     I am so proud to say I have the best brother in the world. Without Jacob my life would be a crazy mess. Although we fight and bicker and nag and anger one another, I can still say you mean so much to me. Having an older brother is much like having your own security guard. And your own personal chauffeur. At one of the hardest times in my life, it was you who made me pick myself up. It was you on endless nights of crying, and it was you when everyone else lost faith in my actions. You have only ever wanted good for me in my life and I love you so much for that. Thank you for driving me everywhere, thank you for giving me money when I want it, thank you for being so cool, and thank you for not giving up on me. Despite how negative the situation may get, just know that I love you with my whole heart, I am so grateful to have you, not only as an older brother, but also a role model. You have made me such a better person and have changed me for the more healthy, positive way. You are so much more intelligent than you think. Put your head down, work hard this year, and go places. I know you can do it. It's my turn to have faith in you, and its oozing with eagerness. I am so excited for what the future has in store for you, as you go on to college again this year. I hope only the best for you, and will be along for the ride the whole time.

Love your bratty sister,
Sierra xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Monday 15 September 2014

Censorship: Agree or Disagree?

      I do not believe that censoring or banning books is a proper idea. I believe that a discretionary warning, like used for movies would be a better idea. People have the freedom to write just as much as people have the freedom to read. To ban or to say, "You can't publish this piece because it disgusts me," or whatever the issue may be is wrong. As stated in the video "Banned Book Week: 13 Authors speak out," not only are you silencing thoughts and ideas but you are also being prejudice and fearful. A book is art, just like any painting you could observe. Does that mean that Salvador Dali's impression of death needs to be banned in 31 countries?  That's nonsense. People look upon illustrations and find them beautiful. Why can't the world do that with books as well?

Sunday 7 September 2014

Key to Success

      Greetings Earthlings! My creatures call me Sierra. I enjoy spending an unreasonable amount of time alone at Riverside Park. It is where I feel most connected with myself and where I am also within the peak of my inspiration. I am an avid tea drinker, or as my species call it, "Wet Leaf Juice". I am a vegetarian in the works, my only struggle is what humans call the "Big Mac". I am the best Kraft Dinner maker in the whole universe. I won the title in this year's intergalactic Kraft Dinner making contest. My best friend is Caz, she helps me defeat threats to our universe whenever I need her help. Together, she and I can conquer the world. If anyone's universe is under attack, my U.F.O door is always un-latched.

      The Grit Ted Talk by Ms. Duckworth really speaks to me. I feel that her words have an immense amount of truth to them. One of my own personal rules is to never give up.  I find it to be one of the most difficult rules to stay true to. Whether it be school work, social life, or my job, I am often finding myself in a lethargic mood of  wanting to "sleep forever." I feel like Ms. Angela has a great mindset and faith in the youth of today. It is very refreshing to hear the line, "We need to be gritty, about making our kids grittier." This line is important to me because not only is she trying to influence youth into being the best of themselves that they can be, but also reminding parents, teachers, and other everyday role models that half the battle of a successful child and their path to a good life, also greatly depends on the effort that the adults around them make. This world is not about failing and quitting. It's about working hard and perseverance.