Monday 22 September 2014

Gratitude Experiment

Dear Jacob:

     I am so proud to say I have the best brother in the world. Without Jacob my life would be a crazy mess. Although we fight and bicker and nag and anger one another, I can still say you mean so much to me. Having an older brother is much like having your own security guard. And your own personal chauffeur. At one of the hardest times in my life, it was you who made me pick myself up. It was you on endless nights of crying, and it was you when everyone else lost faith in my actions. You have only ever wanted good for me in my life and I love you so much for that. Thank you for driving me everywhere, thank you for giving me money when I want it, thank you for being so cool, and thank you for not giving up on me. Despite how negative the situation may get, just know that I love you with my whole heart, I am so grateful to have you, not only as an older brother, but also a role model. You have made me such a better person and have changed me for the more healthy, positive way. You are so much more intelligent than you think. Put your head down, work hard this year, and go places. I know you can do it. It's my turn to have faith in you, and its oozing with eagerness. I am so excited for what the future has in store for you, as you go on to college again this year. I hope only the best for you, and will be along for the ride the whole time.

Love your bratty sister,
Sierra xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. Sierra, I love that your note adds some words of encouragement along with the expression of gratitude. Somethings siblings feel like adversaries and so it is wonderful to hear you so clearly express your appreciation for your brother. Well done.
