Sunday 7 September 2014

Key to Success

      Greetings Earthlings! My creatures call me Sierra. I enjoy spending an unreasonable amount of time alone at Riverside Park. It is where I feel most connected with myself and where I am also within the peak of my inspiration. I am an avid tea drinker, or as my species call it, "Wet Leaf Juice". I am a vegetarian in the works, my only struggle is what humans call the "Big Mac". I am the best Kraft Dinner maker in the whole universe. I won the title in this year's intergalactic Kraft Dinner making contest. My best friend is Caz, she helps me defeat threats to our universe whenever I need her help. Together, she and I can conquer the world. If anyone's universe is under attack, my U.F.O door is always un-latched.

      The Grit Ted Talk by Ms. Duckworth really speaks to me. I feel that her words have an immense amount of truth to them. One of my own personal rules is to never give up.  I find it to be one of the most difficult rules to stay true to. Whether it be school work, social life, or my job, I am often finding myself in a lethargic mood of  wanting to "sleep forever." I feel like Ms. Angela has a great mindset and faith in the youth of today. It is very refreshing to hear the line, "We need to be gritty, about making our kids grittier." This line is important to me because not only is she trying to influence youth into being the best of themselves that they can be, but also reminding parents, teachers, and other everyday role models that half the battle of a successful child and their path to a good life, also greatly depends on the effort that the adults around them make. This world is not about failing and quitting. It's about working hard and perseverance.

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