Wednesday 15 October 2014

Modern Education

     I find that nowadays teachers, and other staff within the school, have become more aware of the students needs, whether it be in regards to pace of homework/assignments, new teaching strategies, or respect towards the student. With these three aspects in mind, education has come a long way. To continue to stride for achievement in these areas, eventually the perfect balance will be reached. Of course everything is a two-way street, and we as the student have a duty to meet deadlines, respect our teachers, and communicate with them in order to keep our school work/lives organized. Working hard with the tools provided and understanding our peers and teachers will lead to success within our academics.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, this is a fabulous post. Very tight and concise. You've given an excellent summary of the current state of the situation, and technically perfect. I am so very impressed.
    May I also say, I am sorry you had a bad day today. As a person who has been around for over half a century, let me tell you that high school relationships are just a training ground. You're going to have a lot of experiences before you will be able to recognize the right person
    and you deserve someone fabulous:)
