Saturday 25 October 2014

What Does Poetry Mean To Me?

Unfortunately I do not like poetry. I appreciate it, and I respect it, but it is not my cup of tea. Through this assignment I have realized that poetry became for me a way to vent. I always have friends or family to talk to, but never achieved the same release, recently found through writing poetry. During self-recovery it may become useful.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Modern Education

     I find that nowadays teachers, and other staff within the school, have become more aware of the students needs, whether it be in regards to pace of homework/assignments, new teaching strategies, or respect towards the student. With these three aspects in mind, education has come a long way. To continue to stride for achievement in these areas, eventually the perfect balance will be reached. Of course everything is a two-way street, and we as the student have a duty to meet deadlines, respect our teachers, and communicate with them in order to keep our school work/lives organized. Working hard with the tools provided and understanding our peers and teachers will lead to success within our academics.

Sunday 5 October 2014

An Author and a Quote

Stephen King is the modern-day horror lord. With his books and movies being talked about all the time, it's hard not to know who he is. King was born in Portland, Maine in 1947 and was the second son of his parents, Don and Nellie. Stephen began his career of writing in his school's newspaper called The Maine Campus. Some of his popular titles are, Carrie, The Shining, IT, Christine, and Pet Seminary, to name a few. A quote said by Stephen King that I truly love is: “Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings.” This quote strikes me the most because, what Stephen is saying is that it is important to keep your readers interested. If it means killing off your main character, then do it. Your readers will hate you for it- but love you anyways.